Top Projects Awards

TASC recognizes up to the best ten individual projects organized by HS student councils and up to the top five individual projects organized by ML student councils. Please note that there is an opportunity to apply for recognition as a "collaborative" project (one completed by more than one campus) as well as a submission by one council. There can be no more than three winners in the "collaborative" project area for high schools and no more than one winner in the "collaborative" project area for middle-level schools. Collaborative schools submitting award winning projects will be given a plaque for up to four schools. Select the link below for rules and application. All entries should be submitted to TASC via the website by the annual due date. These schools are recognized at their respective annual conferences.

Download the 2023-2024 ML & HS Top Project Report Form » 

Please note all items should be uploaded in one document for judging and one additional jpeg which could be used for recognition in publications and conferences.

ML Application Due Oct 9, 2024
HS Application Due Jan 28, 2025

Entry Rules for Competition

  1. Entries must be submitted via the TASC website and completed in one sitting. You may print this form and use it as a guide.
  2. NAME of project
    PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES (What were you trying to accomplish with the project?)
    BRIEF DESCRIPTION of the activities. Attach up to one page (12 pt. font, double-spaced) explaining the purpose/objectives and a description of the project.
    DESCRIPTION OF INVOLVEMENT with: (to be noted on the form.)
    a) student council members
    b) other students
    c) other school organizations
    d) faculty
    e) community
    f) other student councils
  3. The entry must be accompanied by a signed evaluation by at least one teacher, administrator, or staff member other than the submitting student council advisor. This may be a letter, a survey, etc.
  4. The entry may include up to five photographs.
  5. Councils may submit up to one individual Top Project entry and one collaborative Top Project entry per year.
  6. An advisor must upload all entries to the website. Once you have submitted your online application, you will receive an email from TASC confirming receipt of your application. (The TASC website does not accept Google Docs.)
  7. Winning entries will receive an award determined by the TASC Board of Directors. Councils applying for award-winning projects will receive a plaque. Additional schools listed in collaborative project award winners will receive a certificate.
  8. You are asked to submit contact information for every council involved in a collaborative project.
  9. Number of awards: Individual – up to 10 HS, up to 5 ML; Collaborative – up to 3 at HS, and up to 1 ML 

Previous Top Project Award Winners

Top Project Recognition for 2024 High School: 

Americas High School - Blazers Against Drunk Driving Walk and Rally
Bridge City HS -12 Days of Christmas
Caney Creek High School - In Our Creek Era; Spreading Positivity Through Bracelets
Carroll Senior High School - Carroll vs. Byron Blood Battle
Denton High School - Able to See the Need in Denton, Texas
John Marshall High School - Spring Fling
Pebble Hills High School - 9/11 Remembrance
Spring High School - Feed & Serve
Vista Ridge High School - One Vista Ridge CommUNIITY
Yoakum High School - Bulldog Beautification

Top Project Recognition for 2023 High School:

Americas High School - A Healthy Easter Hunt
Big Spring High School - Winter Showcase & Holiday Market
Birdville High School - Mr. & Ms. Pink
Bridge City HS - Grins with Friends
Chapel Hill High School - Shoes for Kids
Dr. Emmett J. Conrad High School - Common Cents (Pennies from the Heart) Charity for a Community Nonprofit
Joshua High School - Shoes for Kids
North Forney High School - Senior Citizen Prom
Spring Hill High School - Bringing a little bit of home to you.
Vista Ridge High School - Celebrating 20 Years of Being Difference Makers