Events & Deadlines

Download 2024-2025 Event Planner Document
Download the 2024-2025 TASC Event Planner PDF


June 9-11, 2024
New Braunfels
STEERING COMMITTEE RETREAT | For all TASC State Board members, TASC District President Advisors and Students, and TASC District Coordinators. Registration information will be sent by TASC.  -

June 13-14, 2024 
El Paso, TX
July 18-19, 2024
Georgetown, TX

STUDENT LEADERSHIP COURSE & CURRICULUM ACADEMY | TASC offers a two-day training for teachers of the TASSP State Credit Student Leadership Class.

See Page for Costs
Sept. 15-16, 2024
Austin, TX
STUDENT COUNCIL/HONOR SOCIETY ADVISOR WORKSHOP | Join TASC advisors from across the state for this Workshop full of learning, networking, and motivation. Experienced advisors share ideas and insights in small discussion groups and table talks. Advisors may submit a proposal to present a session or a table share. NHS and NJHS advisers are invited, and special programming is provided for them.  
Nov. 4-5, 2024
Waco, TX

MIDDLE-LEVEL STATE ANNUAL CONFERENCE  | Middle-Level student council and NJHS leaders and advisors hear nationally known speakers, gain training from experts, and share ideas with peers. Build your ML program by registering your students and advisors. For Student Council, NJHS, and other ML Leadership Group members and advisors (Grades 5-8).  
Jan. 25-27, 2025
Feb. 7-9, 2025
ADVANCED LEADERSHIP WORKSHOPS | Attendees meet with top student council trainers and leave motivated to finish the year strong.  see page for details
March 29-31, 2025
Arlington, TX
HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL CONFERENCE | High-school students and advisors are invited to attend the TASC 88th Annual Conference. Students and advisors celebrate accomplishments, elect state officers, and attend sessions on leadership and student council topics. This high-energy conference is the largest gathering of student council leaders in the country. see page for details
June & July 2024
Various Colleges
SUMMER LEADERSHIP WORKSHOPS | Plans are being made for workshops this summer. These are open to high school and middle school student councils and honor societies. Sending students to a Summer Leadership Workshop is the best thing you can do for your council. see page for details
 Fall 2023 &
Spring 2024
Various Locations

DISTRICT LEVEL MEETINGS AND TRAININGThe 21 TASC District Organizations in Texas offer fall and spring conventions as well as specific advisor training and some over­night retreats. See the district map for more information.



June 21-23, 2024
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Vision National Student Leadership ConferenceThe Vision National Student Leadership Conference ​"Lasso Your Leadership" is June 21-23, 2024, Hosted by Rio Rancho High School in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. Here is the link with the information; please let Patty know if you plan to attend and bring students!   More INFO  

Oct. 26-28, 2024 Lake Buena Vista HS, Florida

Southern Association of StuCoSouthern Association of Student Councils Annual Conference for 2024 is tentatively set for October 26-28, 2024 at Lake Buena Vista HS, Florida which is near Orlando. On the SASC site will be the link to register; please let Patty know if you plan to attend and bring students! 

Dec. 6-8, 2024
Memphis, TN

National Conference on Student Activities | The National Association 4 Student Activities - We are looking forward to our 52nd annual National Conference on Student Activities (NCSA), December 2024, in Memphis, Tennessee! YOU are invited to join us for a unique conference that brings together the Advocates, Advisors, Administrators, and Allies of Student Activities for a weekend of learning, networking, and fun! After NCSA 2024, you'll be inspired - and equipped - to make the most significant difference possible in the lives of your students, colleagues, and members of your school community!  Please let Patty know if you plan to attend and she will give you our discount code to use for registration!