Texas Association of Student Councils

When Strong Student Activities are Established, Achievement Follows!

Join TASC! When your council gains the support and opportunities offered by TASC, there is no limit to what you all can achieve.


Joining for the first time: Student Council Membership  Here is the step by step to join.


Are you a NEW ADVISOR or are you the old advisor trying to ADD someone who is taking over?

Are you a new Primary Advisor or a new Co-Advisor at a campus with an existing membership or profile with TASC? 
Please complete the Advisor Change Form to update your campus profile. Select either Primary Advisor or Co-Advisor as your role.
If the link does not work, copy and paste the URL into your Internet browser address bar: https://tasc.memberclicks.net/advisorchange

If you already have a profile or account with us, you must use a private browsing tab/incognito mode for the system to allow you to fill it out for the new person. This is because our website management system recognizes that you have already taken this form or logged in prior. 
**Use a private browsing tab. **
Shortcut keys for private tab are:  Ctrl + Shift + n  (windows) / Ctrl + Shift + p (windows)**

• If you are a new Primary Advisor and need an invoice updated with your name or current date, please Click here ». 

Are you a Returning Advisor?
Are you renewing your campus membership with no primary advisor change? Renew with an invoice. You should have received emails during the summer with a link to an invoice. If you did not and your membership is active, log in to the Member Center, select “My Profile” and hover over that tab. Then select “Invoices” to see your renewal invoice. Or, Click here if you need an invoice with a current date.


Are you an Advisor wanting your campus to join TASC for the first time? Be sure to double-check the Current TASC Campus Directory first before completing this form. Note: If your campus has both a formal name and a nickname (i.e. Stephen F. Austin High School or Austin High School) search for both names. If you find your campus listed, please return to CURRENT CAMPUS MEMBER to proceed.



TASC offers an Associate Membership through which like-minded individuals or groups may join TASC. Dues are the same as those for student councils ($95.00). Associate members have all privileges of membership including attendance at TASC District events,  except permission to run for state office or elected advisor to the board. Membership requires approval by the TASC Director.   (This does offer TASC District membership.  TASC District Constitutions set eligibility to run for TASC District Office.) 




$95 campus grades 5-8 ML/$95 campus grades 9-12 HS / $190 campus grades 5-12

Schools with student councils are the actual members and the advisor(s) is/are linked to the member campus. Annual membership is from September 1st - August 31st. Student Councils may join as High School (grades 9-12) or Middle Level (grades 5-8) with an $95 membership. If you are in a TASC District that has both a HS and a ML District association and want to attend both high school and middle-level events or if you wish to submit state reports (OSC, P&P, DASH, E&E, CS) for both ML and HS recognition, you may choose to join both. Membership fees include your TASC District dues, which will be rebated to your TASC District. Each council has one primary advisor (to whom renewal invoices are sent) and as many co-advisors as the council wishes.

For National Honor Society: Click Here This is a listing with TASC to be included in newsletters, etc.  No dues are required.  Honor Societies do have access to Advisors Workshop, the Middle-Level Annual Conference, and Middle-Level Summer Leadership Workshops.  Please note:  Honor Societies may join TASC as an Associate Member.  Then advisors and students will have access to all TASC events, including Advanced Workshops for HS and the HS Annual Conference.  See the link above to join as an Associate Member.

Still have questions? Are you not sure of your school's status or TASC District?

  • Contact Patty for information about TASC, student council operations, constitutions, help for advisors, TASC events, etc.
    Patty Wangler  512-443-2100 ext.8517

  • Contact Hallie for questions about renewals, forms, membership, registration, logging in, etc. 
    Hallie Weatherford 512-443-2100 ext. 8511